Redesigning Your Website To Decrease Bounce Rate
Goal: Make my crappy looking site look better to decrease my current bounce rate of ~75-85% (Ouch.)
The posts I’ve written have good content that I’ve researched, so I am quite confident it’s due to to the lack of pictures and overall design.
…. actually I’m very confident this is the reason, which is why I am putting together this list of resources that will guide/educate me on the process of redesigning my website to decrease bounce rate (as well as increase engagement and encourage more email opt in’s, which currently stands at 0%. I have ZERO subscribers after implementing a sign up box 3 months ago).
by Noah Kagan
An in depth post by Noah Kagan (#30 employee at Facebook) about how he decided to increase his list from 12k subscribers to 50k within the year. It shows his specific, actionable goals- as well as the specific steps he took to reach his goal. (Hint: They involved adding a whole-page email opt-in form and removing his header).