Best resources for starting out in business are highlighted in green.


(Alphabetical Order):

Garrett Sutton – Start Your Own Corporation (S-Corp, LLC, or C-Corp?)

Good resource if you want to know alot about setting up an S-Corp, C-Corp, or LLC

Link to Audiobook (YouTube)


Virtual Freedom by Chris Ducker

Streamlining / Automating your business by hiring VA’s (Virtual Assistants)

Link to Audiobook (YouTube)




(Alphabetical Order):

Better Branding Course by Caroline Winegeart (eBook only)

A beginner’s guide to branding a business that speaks straight from your heart.

Link to website

The End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson

A book talking about why a 9-5 (regular job) is riskier than becoming an entrepreneur.

It also talks about how to start your own business. Awesome book, very insightful.

90 Day Planning Template – Why successful people play their days 90 days at a time. Page 271.

Download book resources at


Your First Customers eBook + Bonuses – ($25, on sale)

We interviewed a bunch of successful entrepreneurs to unearth the tactics, tips & tricks that they used to find their first customers. This book is packed with insights and tactics to help you replicate their success.

Download Link (zip file – 8mb)


Physical Books (Not Free):

(Alphabetical Order):

Getting Things Done by David Allen

  • The art of stress-free productivity
  • The bible on organization and how to approach / structure your work to be productive

The 7 Day Startup by Dan Norris

  • From generating ideas to gaining your first paying customers, The 7 Day Startup is the bootstrapper’s bible for launching your next product. In it, you will learn: 1. Why validation isn’t the answer 2. How to evaluate your business idea 3. How to choose a business name, fast 4. How to build a website in 1 day for under $100 5. 10 proven ways to market a business quickly And much, much more
  • My first business idea, I spent the first 3 months writing business plans, strategizing, coming up with names, etc… except the week I started doing market research and testing my idea, I found out in about 3 days that no one would buy it. I should have read this book before

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

  • Why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it
  • Basically the bible on systemization (creating systems so you can step away from your business and have it run independently)


Traction by Gino Wickman


Entrepreneur (Non-eBook) Resources:

InboxDojo – Guide to HTML Templates

For creating nice email templates to send to people (HTML Templates)



Podcasts / People To Learn From / Good Places To Get Ideas and Stay Up-To-Date

  • Dan Norris


    • Good resource that interviews successful people who have created passive income, in various different fields

    • Creating a website for passive income. SEO, link building, buying and selling websites, monetization, Adsense, Amazon Affiliates, etc.
    • Also talks about other forms of passive income sometimes

    • Best podcast that talks about every aspect of selling on Amazon, and especially Private Labeling

    • Good podcast that deals with productivity, interviews successful entrepreneurs, general entrepreneurship

    • Good podcast on growing your business, interviews with successful entrepreneurs, general entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneur on Fire

  • Tropical MBA

    • Location Independent Entrepreneurship