How To Remove An Entire Row Based on ANY Condition Without VBA (If Less / Greater Than, Cell Contents, Etc) – Conditionally Delete Rows in Excel
I was trying to remove all rows in a worksheet that were less than 1.00 (Less than $1 profit).
Scoured stackexchange and a bunch of excel forum threads with custom code, I’m still a VBA noob so I couldn’t get any of them to work… *tear*
I randomly came across this video, and found that this nice sounding midwestern lady came up with a simpler solution than all the other programmers forums on the netz.
Tons of rows with a profit of less than $1 (including thousands of products that have negative profit). Trying to delete all those rows so I only have useful data left.
Use “Delete Duplicates” function in excel to avoid VBA.
Create a new column which uses IF conditional to either throw a TRUE value, or return the unique row number.
Then we simply delete all rows which contain duplicates in the column you select (Column J in my case).
Note: Since it’ll be deleting duplicates that return TRUE, you’ll have 1 conditional left, however it’ll be easy to manually delete.
Step by Step Instructions:
- We will create a new column anywhere to the right of the column we want to sort.
- The new column will contain an IF statement that will throw a TRUE based on whatever conditional you want (in my case =IF(J1<1,TRUE,Row(J1)) will give a TRUE value if the value in column J is less than 1, and return the row number if cell in column J is >1).
- We want it to return row number so each value is unique (because we will be deleting duplicates).
- Select the range of your worksheet, then in Data tab at top click “Remove Duplicates” in Data Tools section at top
- Click “My data has headers” and click “Unselect All”.
- Select the column in which you want to apply your condition (For me “Profit”, or column J).
- Click “OK”. Boom, you’re done.
Link to video with step by step instructions: